Visma Document Center CSV file

Below is a description of the various columns in the file. Each row must contain a project number, if the project number does not exist in Moment the expense will be skipped. There will not be any notification of skipped expenses due to missing project number.


Moment support two different file formats, depending on the type of decimal separator used.

For both options the first row, labels, should always use quotation mark for each column.


Files should be encoded as UTF-8.


The file to be used must contain the following columns, columns with name in bold are required.

Currency codes

You must verify that the currency codes below are set in your Visma installation (standard) Support both Visma codes and ISO-4217 codes.

Only the listed currencies are supported. If the currency for the invoice is not found in this list, the row will be skipped and you will be notified by email about this issue.

VAT rates

Typical VAT rates are listed here

Last updated