Moment FAQ

Here you'll find links to articles regarding frequently asked questions in Moment.

First time login in Moment for new users

How to reset your password

How to keep track of costs in non-billable projects?

Updating the invoice summary

Invoicing in advance (A-konto)

How do hours in activities from an offer show in Moment's capacity overview?

Common problems that prevent invoicing

Customer have paid an invoice twice/OCR file has been read twice

Moment gives an error regarding lacking VAT codes on sales accounts (SAF-T)

How to register furloughing (permittering) in Moment?

How to add co-workers to projects between two partner companies?

How to copy activities, move hours from one activity and deleting activities?

Why do my co-workers and I have too many/few banked hours?

How to approve absence using tags

Last updated